Jürgen Bungert | Management
„The crooked tree lives its life. The straight tree becomes a board.“
Jens Bungert | Management
„When the wind blows stronger, some build walls, others sail ships.“
Hauke Kolbe | Factory management
„Good morning, have a nice day or as I would say MOIN.“
Nele Lensing | Office management
„Be someone you would like to have around yourself.“
Detlef Rösen | Field management
„What do you need to live? Something to eat, something to drink and two dogs.“
Hendrik Keiten-Schmitz | Field management
„He who always does what he can already do always remains what he already was.“
Nicole Stegmann | Senior Project Manager
„Life is a pony farm after all.“
Dana Tenbensel | Project Manager
„Before we fall, we'd rather fall on!“
Renée Funke | Project management
„The best things in life are not the ones you get for money.“
Frederik Benning | Project Manager
„I´m free to be whatever I. Whatever I choose, and I´ll sing the blues if I want.“
Elisa Boland | Junior Project Manager
„Happiness is the only thing that doubles when you share it.“
Adrian Mersch | Junior Project Manager
„Team work makes the dream work.“
Jule Bonnes | Junior Project Manager
„Paths are created by walking them.“
Lena Reichenberg | Sales
„Go with the flow.“
Christiane Schindler | Sales
„The best things in life are not the ones you get for money.“
Carolin-Sophie Bertram | Sales
„The aim of life is not
to be a successful person, but to be a valuable person.“
Marco Mäcker | Sales - Company Location Krefeld
„Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail."
Renate Burian | Accounting
„Accounting - stay calm these are just numbers.“
Niko Matic | Logistics
„See you at the next construction site.“
Ina Grewe | Logistics
„Collect moments. Not things.“
Flocke | Company dog
„Did you just say treat“
Spike | Company dog (R.I.P. 10/2021 - Always in our heart)
„Stay close to people who feel like sunshine“